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Mini Tesla Coil


Mini Tesla coil is a small device using single transistor (2N2222A) that generates high-voltage electricity using electromagnetic principles. It consists of two coils (primary and secondary) that work together to produce dramatic electrical arcs and high voltage. It can be used to light up a neon or fluorescent lamp from a distance wirelessly.

Components List

he following components are required to make this project.

Designation Parts Quantity
Q1 2N2222A X1
R1 22kΩ 1/4W Resistor X1
D1 3mm Red LED X1
C1 0.22uF Polyester Flim Capacitor X1
L1 AWG 38 Copper Wires X2
L2 AWG 24 Copper Wires X1

Circuit Diagram

The schematic of a 9V mini Tesla coil circuit is shown below.

Circuit Explanation

The Mini Tesla circuit is powered by a 9V source. A resistor (R1) limits the current flowing into the base of the transistor (Q1). When the circuit is powered, the transistor rapidly switches ON and OFF, creating a pulsing signal. This causes the primary coil (L1) to generate a changing magnetic field.

The changing magnetic field induces a high voltage in the secondary coil (L2) due to its many turns. This high voltage can create small electrical arcs or light up small fluorescent tubes nearby.

An LED (D1) is connected in parallel with the base of the transistor to serve as a power indicator, showing when the circuit is active.

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